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Tips on How to Choose Dye Sublimation Transfer Paper?

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Low Weight 45gsm/60gsm Sublimation Transfer Paper In Textile Industry

Low Weight Sublimation Transfer Paper is the future in Textile Industry!

Due to the printing user demands for lowering the cost of printing, ink-jet sublimation transfer paper cost more and more low, so the transfer paper is thinner, 60 grams of tissue. Market thin transfer paper is divided into two categories: one is thin uncoated paper, this kind of tissue is actually transfer printing base paper for paper machine production, printing ink penetrates into the paper base, making definition and transfer rate is very low, due to the absorption of paper based instability make it possible to transfer the quality security is not, no paper coating but also with the use of expensive high concentrations of ink to, can not really reduce the user cost of the integrated use; another kind is thin, coated paper.
The advantage of 45 grams of transfer paper,
  • Fast drying speed of Delta: print drying equipment can basically do not have or use the cold wind blow that can make paper drying can save energy.
A high transfer rate can meet the requirement of textile transfer printing.
  • Delta flat: tissue because the manufacturing process is different from the 100 grams of product, its anti curl performance very good, even if the air is very dry. It is not a self crimping phenomenon, therefore is suitable for roll transfer printing is also suitable for cutting sheet printing and transfer printing.
  • A high concentration of ink can be used. 
  • If you want to know more, please check www.hanrunpaper.com

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